Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dr Sesha Sai's believe it or not 10

Dr Seshasai’s Believe it or not - 10
Dr P V Sesha Sai
1-9-52/F/3 MCH No 2859
Road No 19, Ramnagar, HYDERABAD 500020
Phones 040 7661613 55581368 Cell: 9440422613
E mail shodasisai@hotmail.com, shodasisai@rediffmail.com,
aanandaashramam@yahoo.com, suryakshetra@yahoo.com,

1st March 2005

Are you sure of burning lamps without the support of any kind of oil or gas, for that matter any such? We do not trust all this, for the reason, the known sciences and limited logical reasoning acquired by us, do not agree for such things. It appears to be a quite baseless topic due to its unusual nature. But then, you have to agree that such unusual things are present in our country, which can be physically eye witnessed by us any time.

The Discovery channel of the TV is making many researches in India to know how such unusual things are occurring and the mystery behind them. When we see the channel, normally spirits in different countries are photographed and presented with an authenticated proof. In India the divine presentations are many and no place in India is exempted when areas are selected in other countries. Each village in this country speaks of its history and the greatness behind it No need to boost much of the greatness of our country at this stage. Any way, I am entering into the topic with which I started this page.

Now let us go to Chigalli Village in Mangogaad Taluk situated 59 km away from Sabari Malai in Kerala State. One Mrs. Sarada Bai nearly 25 years ago lit three lamps perhaps in 1979 and since then the three lamps are burning without support of any oil etc. It appears Dr Sayeed of Cosmic Conscious Center visited this place and said that it is some thing unusual and divine. One of the Central Ministers too visited this place and surprised. Even HH Dalailama too visited this place and expressed that these three lamps are nothing but the Divine lights of the Lord.

Smt Sarada Bai, who actually lit the lamps reached the Lotus feet of the Lord on 12th May 1994, still the lamps are as they were initially at the time they were lit.

Don’t believe this, you may try to visit the spot any time of your choice. Since they are burning for the past 25 years, they may grant us an opportunity in future too.

In due course of time, let us examine HOW PRAN PRATISHTA as per Hindu sciences permit even granite stone carved Lords with a heart beat.

I shall be back again soon………………………………………….

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